It sells bellisimo lote in Los Angeles of San Rafael de Heredia.

₡69,500,000 Reduced 1%
Price/M² land
Lot Size in m²

It sells bellisimo lote in Los Angeles of San Rafael de Heredia.


Land and farms




San Rafael


₡69,500,000 Reduced 1%



Price/M² of land


Construction M²



Quality of life - With this terrain, you will enjoy a serene mountain environment, ideal for raising your quality of life.
Dream project - This flat lot and ready to build is the perfect canvas for your dream housing project.
Secure Investment - It acquires a land in a privileged location, ensuring a stable and promising investment.
Optimal connectivity - Your future property is close to essential services, combining comfort and accessibility in one place.
Near nature - Surrounded by natural beauty, your new terrain is a haven of tranquility without getting away from civilization.
Exclusive guaranteed - Be the owner of an exclusive space in Los Angeles de San Rafael, distinguished by its reputation and status.
Buildability - Thanks to its flat surface, this lot minimizes construction costs and accelerates the development of your home.
Available services - With already installed water meter, you will have an essential resource available from the first day.
Homeland Security - Invest in a land bound by walls, ensuring the safety and privacy of your heritage.
Selected Community - Join the Los Angeles community of San Rafael, a prestigious area and select properties.
Family Heritage - Create a durable home and heritage for future generations in this land of countless potential.
Potential development - This land offers multiple possibilities to develop profitable and desirable real estate projects.
Investment Return - Choose a property that promises an increase in its value, thus optimizing your long-term investment return.
Safe environment - Live the mental peace of a secure and well-located residential environment, perfect for your next life chapter.
Efficient planning - A flat and accessible property reduces planning and design barriers, allowing your visions to come true faster.
Build your legacy - This land is more than a purchase; it is the foundation upon which you will build your legacy and future.
Urban Escape - Find your personal retreat from the urban hustle without sacrificing the convenience of the nearby city.
Environmental sustainability - Consolidate your commitment to the environment, choosing a community that values nature and sustainability.
Connection Network - Set your home in a strategic area that will allow you to work out a wide network of professional and personal connections.
Growth opportunity - This terrain represents a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth in a high potential location.

What questions could arise before a purchase was made?

Isn't the land very expensive? - An investment that ensures value growth and a long-term attractive return.
How do I know the value of the land will increase? - Premium location and constant demand promise a sustained increase in value.
Is it close enough to essential services? - Absolute connectivity with close services, combining nature and convenience.
How safe is it to invest in this field? - Patrimonial security guaranteed by the exclusivity of the area and high demand for properties.
Is the land ready to build or need jobs? - Completely flat and with available services, ready to start your project immediately.
Is the community suitable for a family? - Selected community and safe environment, perfect for building a family legacy.
Can I see a development potential in the property? The land offers versatility for successful residential or commercial projects.
Is there the tranquility necessary for a quality life? - Natural mountain environment that provides peace and serenity for a higher quality life.
Can it be complicated to obtain building permits? - Facility in permit management, thanks to efficient planning and accessible land.
What if change of opinion after buying? - Low-risk investment with high liquidity, facilitating the sale if required.